Meta Yield Launchpad: What to do after you back a project?


  • Benefits from backing a Meta Yield Campaign
  • What to expect after the campaign ends
  • What to expect after the locking period ends
  • How to claim your rewards

After getting excited about a project you saw on the Meta Yield Launchpad, you did your research and became a backer… So now what? First of all, congratulations! You’re now an investor and that comes with a list of benefits. For example, you get early access to the project that you backed on the launchpad, the project tokens you will receive in exchange for your rewards will be valued higher than the market price and, after the locking period, your initial investment of NEAR tokens will be returned to you. In this post I will explain step-by-step where to claim your project tokens, how to recover your tokens, and everything in between.

The day after the campaign ends

After the campaign ends and the project has reached its first goal, you will receive 2 IOUs in the form of bonds. You will be able to find them on the Project Page, where you deposited your original investment. You will see something like this (with the name of the project you backed):

The first amount represents the NEAR you deposited and the “bond due” is when the locking period ends. The second bond amount is the project tokens you will receive in exchange for your rewards and the two dates are when the gradual release starts and finishes. The gradual release usually starts after the locking period ends and will last a few months (in this example, 3 months). You will receive the total amount of rewards following the second date. 

To summarize, the first bond will be available after the locking period ends and the second bond is ready to claim after the gradual release ends. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t invest your tokens in the meantime. You can put them into the market. How? Visit the and you will see something like this:

Your two bonds are ready to use. You have 3 options:

  • Make a direct sale

  • Open an auction

  • Wait and claim them

 If you want to make a sale, you have to click on the bond menu and select: “Sell bond”

Once you do that, you will see these options and you have to select “Direct Sale”. 

Now, you have to define a price for your bond. 

And then select a final date for the Sale

That will put your bond into the market. From now on you will be able to check the status of that bond sale on the “My Sales” bonus. If someone buys your bond, you will be able to claim the price right there. 

You can sell your entire bond or only a fraction of it. The process for making an auction is very similar, but instead of “Direct sale” you have to select “Auction”, define the starting price and the final day for making a bid. 

Claiming your tokens and rewards

When the lockup period ends, you will be able to recover your NEAR. And when the linear release ends, you will be able to claim your project tokens. Here’s how you can do both:

  • Go to your bonds and now, in addition to the options for selling them, you will also have the “Claim” option. 
  • Click on “Claim” and the tokens (NEAR or the Project bond) will go to your wallet. 
  • In the case of the project tokens, you can claim them once the linear release starts, but you will have the full amount only after the linear release period ends. 

Now you have all the information you need to complete the cycle of backing a project. Once you recover your tokens, go ahead, check Meta Yield Launchpad again and continue the backing cycle.

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